
Surviving NOVEMBER

We are at that time of year again…. Hello, NOVEMBER. I don’t know about you, but November often feels like the hardest month of the year to get through for me. It’s cool and windy, often unpredictable, and the darkness is truly setting upon us. For many, November can bring on increased anxiety and moodiness, feelings of powerlessness and terrible restlessness. With all that, we might begin to feel more depleted than typical. So let’s take a look at some November coping tips:

  1. Establish and stick to a routine 

    • Wake up and put yourself to bed at the same time every day

    • Choose similar times each day to consume your meals

    • Find a movement routine that works for how you are feeling

    • This is a good time of year to recommit to any early morning and bedtime practices that you have gotten out of habit with

  2. Choose movement that is nurturing and grounding in nature

    • Slow Flow Yoga 

    • Moderate Walking

    • Hiking

    • Intuitive movement or dance to gentle music

  3. Practice stillness

    • Restorative Yoga

    • Yin Yoga

    • Meditation

    • Brief moments of TRUE rest (this means without screens or noise)

    • Breath work or Pranayama (maybe try some alternate nostril breathing)

    • Try floating in a sensory deprivation tank at Float Harder on Washington Ave in Portland ME

    • Get a massage, facial or some reiki if it’s within your budget

    • Yoga Nidra

  4. Practice grounding hobbies

    • Reading

    • Nature walks

    • Sipping tea by the fire (real or electric)

    • Journaling

    • Poetry

    • Bubble baths with candles

    • Self-Massage

  5. STOP

    • Running around in circles (do one thing at a time)

    • Fretting about to-do lists (choose one small thing each day to accomplish)

    • Cleaning like a chicken with its head cut off (choose one small area to clean each day)

    • Saying yes because you feel like you have to (instead say yes when it feels fun, exciting, interesting, relaxing, enjoyable to you)

  6. Choose foods that are warm and grounding (tis the season for hearty soups and stews)

  7. Find ways to get your Vitamin D

I invite you to be gentle with yourself this season. There is no sense in beating yourself up for not feeling the way you want to feel. It will only make things worse. Try and ask yourself each and every day, “How am I feeling” and “What do I need RIGHT now”. The more we are able to get in touch with these questions, the better suited we will be to effectively support ourselves through difficult times. Remember, feelings are ENERGY. Energy needs to move through us. Emotions need to move through us. Rather than working against your own energy, let your emotions rise and trust that they will fall. If you need a little extra support, reach out to a trusted friend, find a mentor, spiritual guide or therapist to support you.

Much love <3
