


Services with Whitney & Hannah vary in price from $100-$180/hour, depending on the service you are seeking

We accept cash, checks, credit/debit cards and HSA/FSA cards. Fees are due at time of service.


    Benefits of Cash Pay

When therapists bill to insurance companies, it is required that they provide a mental health diagnosis. This diagnosis becomes a part of your health record which can be accessed when seeking future medical coverage and when applying to certain jobs. Without insurance, diagnosis is not necessary to engage in counseling. We like this method because we believe that diagnosis and labels are not always necessary. As a cash pay client, you will have the freedom to see your therapist as often or seldom as you and the therapist see fit, instead of having the care duration and goals be limited by insurance companies.

If you have taken the above information into consideration and would still like to work with your insurance, we will happily provide you with a session receipt that you may submit for reimbursement.

Have further questions? Give us a call and we will happily answer them. (207) 480-3491



Image by @novaefilmandphoto