Tele-therapy for Mainers
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us all individually and globally in countless ways. One good thing that has come of this pandemic is the increased accessibility in receiving counseling services.
We have both been deeply surprised by the effectiveness of tele-therapy and are excited to be able to continue this service during AND post-pandemic for any Mainers who would prefer a virtual session.
--Anyone who does not have access to transportation--Anyone who doesn’t have extra time to spare driving to/from session--Anyone in a rural community setting that has limited in-person therapy options--Anyone who would find comfort in receiving therapy while still in their own home--Anyone who can’t physically leave their workspace, but has the ability to take a one-hour break--Anyone who would prefer tele-therapy over an in-person session for any reason--
We use a HIPPA compliant video platform. Prior to appointments, you receive a reminder with a link to your session. It’s as simple as clicking on the provided link!
The short answer is, yes! Thankfully due to the Maine Mental Health Parity Law, as long as your insurance offers mental health counseling as a benefit, they will treatment tele-mental health counseling the same. There are of course, some situations where this may not be true. This typically happens if you have a federal or out of state insurance plan. Whitney would be happy to answer questions and help you navigate the insurance maze.
You will need a private space for session. This could look like a private room, sitting in your car in the driveway, a private office. We can help you get creative.
You will need access to WiFi or have good phone service wherever you are located. If for some reason there are issues with the video platform, it is possible to have a phone session instead.
You need to be located in the state of Maine. This is due to state border laws around providing mental health counseling outside of the state you are licensed in.